There's so much out there. If there's a topic that interested you, Google it - it's been written about.
A few of the big topics that I look forward to discussing: who is really the narrator? what is Nabokov saying about the relationship between artists and their art? what is Nabokov saying about the relationship between reader and author? what is Nabokov saying about writing and reading (written communication)?
Here are a few of the things I came across:
- Who's the Narrator of Nabokov's Pale Fire?, William C. Dowling, Rutgers
- A Pale Fire Timeline, Jerry Friedman
- The Novel of the Century: Nabokov's Pale Fire, Ron Rosenblume writing about a book of literary criticism by that title by Brian Boyd
- Synthesizing Artistic Delight - The Lesson of Pale Fire, Brian Walter
- Zembla, A Web Site Devoted to the Life and Works of the Author, Translator, and Lepitologist, Vladimir Nabokov
- New York Times review from 1962
If you find anything interesting, let me know and I'll add it. I'll be adding things throughout the month too, so check back for new links.